Friday, June 8, 2012

Topanga, I'd F*** Her

Thank you, drunk girl at trivia for a lot of quotable moments. She also actually gave us a couple of right answers that I may not have trusted if the question for which she named "Czechoslovakia"as a current country had come earlier in the game... Cody and I did fairly well this week, though his team name choice "Porn on the Cob" did not get the laughs he thought it would.

I only have two full weeks left at work, which borderlines ridiculously unbelievable. I stare at where I've written "Last Day" in purple on the white board calendar and don't comprehend that it is so quickly approaching. Not too much has gone on at work this week for me personally. With the loss of Bev, we are extremely short staffed, so my role has been working as the in office person for the entire day while others are running around to meetings or classes. I've spent a lot of that time creating jobs for community service volunteers to do because we allowed ourself to get way too many at one time. One such job was moving old desks out of our old building that is getting demolished. I went to go help this guy move them, and it was one of the most strenuous things I have done in my life. The first desk was solid wood and too wide to fit out the back door. We turned it as many ways as we could in that narrow hallway and eventually had to take the legs off and pulls the drawer out. I did something incorrectly because I couldn't grip anything for a few hours after that.

In a more productive light, Holli and I met with Jacqueline Morgan of the Honors College at the University to discuss the possibility of an internship or honors seminar to replace the whole created by the VISTA grant running out and the lack of in house volunteer coordinator. We have people that can fill these needs, but they need a coordinator. She was very optimistic and thinks we may even be able to get someone for the fall. I hope this works out because once I leave there will only be two staff members and one VISTA to serve eight counties in daily office activities.

In a couple of hours, we're going to the Habitat house dedication for one of our volunteers who lost her home in last year's tornado. After losing her home, she has a heart attack and a stroke within a matter of months. I've seen her multiple times this year, and she is always smiling and in a good mood. With so many people out there complaining, it really does something to see this woman who has been through so much to be positive. I cannot wait to see her get her new house in Alberta City.

Culturally speaking, we had our first rehearsal for Second Samuel this week. It looks like it'll be a good show! We blocked the entire first act and ran it a second time, so it looks like we'll be doing a lot of full act runs starting the last week of June. We'll do the same for the shorter second act tonight, and the continuous runs through August should help with the line memorization. I have quite a few lengthy monologues directed to the audience that I'll need to work on.

Also, I have two new show obsessions, but I'm already completely caught up on both of them. I've been avoiding it for sometime, but I finally watched Downton Abbey. I knew I'd like it but never made myself watch it. I've now seen both seasons and the Christmas special in a matter of three days. It's very well done and and interesting period drama. The passage of time is not documented too well, but I may just not be paying attention as closely as I should. I just love seeing Maggie Smith in anything. The other show I've been watching is HBO's Girls. While I am not a girl, I think the plight of these twenty-somethings in the city is comparable to my own. Not all of them, of course. I've never accidentally smoked crack at a warehouse party in Brooklyn, but never say never. I think the show could have some great things to say about gender roles if it shies away from making each character fit a stereotypical mold. I like the British girl, Jessa, and her non traditional views on relationships. It's refreshing to see a character not following the same romantic formula that is in every movie or show. I'm looking forward to the season continuing!

Now,  I'm resurrecting a parody song I wrote of "Part of Your World" for Camp Sumatanga about wanting to be the craft chick. They apparently want to use it this year. I didn't keep a record of it, so I'm just making it up again.

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