I can’t remember which performance certain things happened at, so they’ll have to all be grouped together. My pants broke before opening and were secured with solely a safety pin. My cape, thankfully, covers my butt, so no one can see it. My shoe came unbuckled twice during the final scene. One time it was my fault, but the other was Taylor stepping on it right before the scene started. Thus my shoe was unbuckled for the entire scene. Here I am getting ready to be the beautiful Player Queen.

If those are my only flubs, I think that I am doing okay so far. The show is getting more fun each time we do it. That may just be because my characters are ridiculous. I don’t know if I’d feel the same way were I playing one of the more serious roles. This mainly applies to the play within the play and the Osric/Hamlet/ Horatio scene. Each is becoming more playful and fun every time we perform.
Some funny onstage moments include: JJ spitting after sipping the wine, me covering a mistake in the fight by saying my line that was no longer applicable, Taylor hitting the wall as we ran out for a scene in Act 4, Jonathan’s sword breaking, our Sunday audience of six, and JJ naming Julie’s character Benefisense.
Back stage much funnier things happened. Billy Ray threw a piece of string on Susan, which she thought was a roach. Only moments later, he tripped her walking to places for the funeral scene. Taylor created the word “chilfs,” which does not need to be explained. Amanda’s monk mask scared Nick. Michael slept through Acts II and III. The mouse made an appearance. Billy Ray and Nick said multiple offensive things to each other, and Susan learned what a “queef” is.
We had our first cast part at Susan’s Friday night, and it was wonderful. Since rehearsals started, I have not really had a chance to just relax with friends, so it was nice to get a chance to do just that. Susan and Kenny’s house in Southside is a great venue for that. I hope when I own a home it can be as clean and well put together as their home is. I really like all of the older homes in that area of town. It was mostly just the cast, and it included conversations about many things like if you would taste your own breast milk, if you knew who Tony Bennet was, being a vegetarian, fruit allergies, sub genres of heterosexuality, and more. Somehow I ended up being there until three. I can only imagine what will happen at Bates’s this weekend.
Monday was my first day without anything show related to do, so I went to teach a client casework class in Aliceville, AL. The women who are getting trained to volunteer up there are a handful in a good way. I knew this class would be a struggle because it is the longest class we teach due to the enormous amount of paperwork involved. You have to learn how to fill out national forms and state forms, so it’s a lot of information. They all seemed to be interested, though. I just think it’s crazy that I can have an eight person class in Pickens County, and I can’t get more than three in Tuscaloosa.
Last night I went back to high school for the IB Open House. The event was for the parents of potential IB students and the students themselves to learn more information about the program and to ask questions in different breakout sessions. I was in the room called “IB Uncut.” One of the parents walking in asked if it was the uncut one. My laughter was stifled. This room was meant for parents to ask questions of current IB parents, students, and alumni. There were about seven current seniors, one college student, one alumnus (me), and two parents. I think it went fairly well, but there too many panel members. I hadn’t thought back on IB in a while, so last night made me realize even more how beneficial that program was for me and how much I love it. It was also a little sad seeing these high school seniors talk about how close they all are since I now know that only lasts for so long. I still have friends from my IB class, but I definitely don’t talk with all twenty-two of them. Some have even deleted me as a facebook friend. This has been a common theme in my social media existence.

In the beautiful world of the American Red Cross, we have started our West Alabama Meme group. If I’m not doing work, arguing with James, or eating, I tend to be great WARC memes. I’ll share one with you, but sadly it probably won’t be funny to you. This meme represents me in our office.
Red Cross Meme
James Quotes of the Week
“She wants to join Red Cross Club? She doesn’t know what she’s getting into.”- James on a girl wanting to volunteer
“You making things up?”- Me
“Like always.”- James
“Ladies. You need to get away from them sometime.”- James on his office girlfriend
“He put words in my mouth. See I’m tryin to be nice.”- James on his attitude
“Oh I talkin to da wall now.”- James on being ignored
“Now look-a-here. I’m gonna have to hang you two by your toes.”- James on people not signing in when the arrive.
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