Wednesday was my last night at trivia for a couple of weeks as rehearsals get more consistent. Our team name was The Country Bear Jamboree, and we were doing so well! Then the last round happened, and we missed every question... Maggie and I are looking forward to being I'll Have What She's Having the next time I get to come.
Thursday, Lexi came with me to teach the Disaster Services Overview in Aliceville, AL. We got to drive through Carrollton on the way there and back, so we drove past the face in the courthouse window, which is a staple Alabama ghost story made famous by the book 13 Alabama Ghosts and Jeffrey. Even though it was too dark to see it, I feel like it counts. They have a little arrow that points to the correct window so you don't go looking around the entire building. Lexi did a great job co-teaching, and it made the trip much better to have someone to talk to along the way.
Friday, my rehearsal got cancelled, so I had a free evening and no clue what to do with it. Everyone seemed to have plans already, and I was shuddering at the idea of staying alone at home on a Friday with no internet and cable. Luckily, Kaitlin O'Bradovitch came to the rescue. We made cookies and watched Galaxy Quest in my living room. I can't believe she was the first person I've had over since Natalie helped me move in. We discovered that my roommate has been smoking inside if I'm not in the room, which is great since my sense of smell can't detect it. I'm sure everyone else's can.
Saturday was the Great Tuscaloosa Chili Cookoff! I had to be there at 6 am... I had a great time, though. Joe, Mike, Cody, and I all dressed up like British lads in order to fit with our theme Chili Chili Bang Bang. We didn't win anything, but it was a great experience helping the exchange club out for their big fundraiser. We won a signed 2009 championship football in the raffle, so I see the day as a success.
After I slept for four hours post cook off, Martha and I met up so that I could see her new apartment in Birmingham. We watched When Harry Met Sally, which I had not really seen before. It was much better than I remember it being the last time I watched it. At least Billy Crystal got to be a believable romantic lead once in his life.
Sunday, after spending the morning with my family, Billy Ray and I showed up early for a special king and queen early rehearsal. We all knew that our play within the play scene just needed specific attention to make it good, and I think it's funny now. I haven't actually asked anyone if it was any better...
Monday, we ran as much of we could of the second half of the show without Hamlet being there. I am faced with a real challenge here because I have to create four distinct characters or else people might easily confuse them or just not notice them at all. I have been struggling with finding that distinctness with Osric, and Flannery finally gave me some good advice tonight that I think will be enjoyable for people to watch. Now I just have to do it successfully. The more important portion of rehearsal involved all of us laughing through Ophelia's funeral scene each time we ran the entrance sequence. I also saw a mouse during notes at the end. It is speculated that the mouse is attempting to eat my Tagalongs. I encourage him to reach that goal so that I don't eat another entire box.

You can almost see me in this picture. We're attempting not to laugh as Susan is carried in on a blanket. Here's our poster!

Tuesday was Valentine's Day. This has always been just a normal day for me, but I decided to make rehearsal interesting because it's JJ birthday. I baked cookies that I hand formed and cut into heart shapes and printed off Hamlet themed valentines for everyone. I got to rehearsal with all of them in a nice basket with a pink checked cloth under them only to discover that we have NEVER had rehearsal scheduled for that night. I had never looked at the schedule to confirm that unfortunately. Debbie showed up as well, which only made me realize that the two single cast members were the ones that came. wah wah
I hope that bringing my Valentine's themed things this evening will be okay. In other news, James and I have started playing travel size Connect Four. It's a pretty heated competition.
James Quotes of the Week:
"Go lay down at the funeral home. They got a bed."
"I was happy when you weren't here yesterday." *raises the roof*
"Martin Luther King and that lady (Clara Barton) 's ghosts are going to come to your wedding."
" My wife made dinner for me last night and cleaned up after."- Mike "You got lucky." -James about Valentine's Day
Hahaha! The James quotes are my favorite!