Luckily things worked out this week, and a few of us were able to go to Frog Level Festival in Fayette, Alabama, which is pronounced "Fet" by all of its citizens excluded my friend Martha. Because the town is in a swampy area, it is filled with frogs. This is enough reason to have an annual festival in the frogs' honor. The festival was a lot of fun, but sadly everyone there assumed we were taking blood and either avoided us because of this or became frustrated when that wasn't actually our purpose. My favorite part of the day was seeing all of the dressed up frogs outside of each business. The best one was a bandit frog outside of the bank. Also, our table was surrounded by people selling the craziest, kitchiest crap including but not limited too: "authentic" American Indian crafts, animal salt and pepper shaker holders, and a Winnebago.
In my venturings with Mike around West Alabama, I have discovered that there is one thing that I am great at: falling asleep in cars. I cannot for the life of me stay awake during long car rides on country roads. I tried my best not to do this on the way to Sulligent on Saturday morning for Old Fashion Day, but I sadly failed. I was shocked at how many people there were at this festival in such a small town. People even drove from out of town just to attend. We set up right by the Civil War weapon table and across the street from the table urging voter registration as long as it is for the Republican Party. There was also a great rebel flag bikini on sale for $20. We actually got a couple of interested volunteers in this town where "democrat" is an insult.
In the world of non work related activities, I had a lot of early mornings so I tried to go to bed early. My roommates and my love of hanging out saw to that not working out too well. The Donner Party worked hard Wednesday night to get some more points for the trivia league, but we fell a little short. Sarah and I had dinner Thursday and watched Project Runway with Briana and enjoyed the ridiculousness that was the 70s challenge. We also got together Sunday night to watch Sister Wives. I got to write a guest blog about it for Sarah, you'll have to check it out. Saturday after my time in Sulligent I went to have dinner with Chris in Birmingham at one of the many Mexican restaurants in the area. Then I watched his beautiful crewing of Moon Over Buffalo with Theatre Downtown. I really enjoyed the production even though I had already seen the University's production two years ago. It's such a cute and funny show and had a great poster. Afterward, I helped them strike because I'm that lame. Then Chris and I watched an episode of Jim Henson's Storyteller about a Russian soldier coming home after the war and obtaining a magic sack.
I stayed at home that night and got in an episode of Doctor Who before coming back to Tuscaloosa to do laundry and watch more television. Jake and I also had a meeting last night about pledge retreat and Big Little Reveal. I love Alpha Psi Omega so much that I just can't seem to get away. I figure the organization deserves a mention since it is the reason for my blog's name. Seek a life useful!
I've got to go to Fayette next year and get some of the kitschy crap!