I thought it would be interesting to compile a list of things I learned in Costa Rica now that I am looking back of the entire experience. I am so glad to be back in the land of sweet tea, but I will always miss my time with the Ticos.
1. Cell phones are not necessary. It's a lot more fun to just hope someone will find you at the right location at the right time without any complications.
2. Punctuality is frowned upon and discouraged.
3. Protein is not the focus of a meal. In fact, you may have to dig under all of the rice to find it.
4. It will rain between 2 and 5 PM everyday, and cheap Tico umbrellas will rust and break after about a week of enduring this.
5. Vented windows and an intelligent floor plan work just as well as air conditioning.
6. It's difficult to make study abroad friends more than just that.

7. Every country has it's own cheap beer. I'm talking about you, Imperial!

21. Costa Rica will always have a part of my heart, and it taught me so much about myself and my love of travel and nature.
5. Vented windows and an intelligent floor plan work just as well as air conditioning.
6. It's difficult to make study abroad friends more than just that.
7. Every country has it's own cheap beer. I'm talking about you, Imperial!
8. Chinese Restaurants can easily transform into bars and have some of the best names like Fung Sheng and Wong Kok.
9. Costa Rica was the third country in the world with electricity. They need something to be proud of besides not being Nicaragua.
10. There is definitely a West versus East Coast rivalry, and the West Coast wins by far.
11. I will never be mistook for a Tico unless I get really tan and ginger.
12. My host family showed me more unconditional love than I could possibly imagine, and I miss them, their cooking, attractive cousin, and David's cakes everyday.
13. Costa Rica doesn't have a lot of history because explorers overlooked it for better territories.
14. Costarican children learn three languages in school. People here don't even have to learn one well.
15. The beaches are beautiful tourist traps.
16. I will never be a surfer.
17. If you were shorts or a raincoat, you look like a total n00b even if it is 80 degrees and pouring outside.
18. "Winter" means rain in 80 degree weather, but Ticos wear heavy coats for fun anyway.
19. I have never been in a place with more natural beauty.
20. Hooters are everywhere.
21. Costa Rica will always have a part of my heart, and it taught me so much about myself and my love of travel and nature.
22. Teachers will not let you give up even if you tell them there is no way you can pronounce that town in Colombia.
23. There's no reason to worry about anything. All you have to say is "¡Pura Vida!"
24. All men are born marvelously different.
24. All men are born marvelously different.
Things I learned in Spain: If you don't want to look at people making out in public, close your eyes.
ReplyDeleteWesley I love this!