I have been a part of three trivia teams since I last blogged with varying levels of success. Michelle, Jake, Amber and I were setting our selves up to sink when we picked a Titanic themed name last Thursday. Rose Let Go yielded one of the lowest scores I have ever been a part of. This Wednesday, Maggie, William, Sean, and I put up a good fight as Lolita 2: Lolita Harder but fell short due to our lack of knowledge about the movie Singles. Last night, Barrett, Michelle, Sean, and I had a respectable showing as Whatever, I'm Getting Cheese Fries. Our downfall was not knowing when Oklahoma entered statehood. I did, however, know that a signet was a baby swan.
After work last week, my family came to go eat at Longhorn and go see The Hunger Games. I have now seen it three times, and the fourth time has already been planned. I was pretty much at a constant state of almost crying the ENTIRE time as a single stream of tears was going down my face. Also, when they came to visit me at work Rachel told my parents that I was the poster boy. This was after she asked them who they wanted to see in a really weird way, I have a video on my phone but have no idea how to get that here. My dad did an impression of her, and I laugh every single time that I watch it.
Last weekend was really enjoyable. The weather was perfect for Good Friday through Easter. Friday, I went over to Natalie's apartment to play a really fun game that is too difficult to describe called Rounds. The boys beat out the girls pretty handily. The game involves getting people to guess words or phrases by first using words and movement, then one word and movement, and finally only movement. Saturday night I filled my ever constant hunger for Fingers of Fire with Stephanie at Buffalo Phil's. The Kaitlin, her roommate, Casey, and I went to spend time with the clientele of Brown's Corner. The people that go out on Easter Weekend are an interesting bunch. One woman was paid by the bar to dance to get other people out there. She told Casey that she was 19... She was definitely 28 or older and danced in an interesting manor. She told Casey that he danced like he knew how to f***. Sunday was one of the best Easters I can remember since I got Hippity, Hoppity, and Floppity in my basket as a child. Kaitlin and I went to Forest Lake for the contemporary service. It was pretty mediocre, but at least it was funny when an older man said, "Happy Easter!" to Kaitlin, and she responded with, "I'm Kaitlin." Also, all the kids received non breakable butterfly ornaments during the children's moment, which they proceeded to drop on the tile floor as many times as possible during the sermon. Here are Hippity, Hoppity, and Floppity for those of you who are not Beanie Baby connoisseurs.
After church, Michelle and the other Kingdom dwellers, as their home has been named, hosted a potluck brunch for the APO people. It was a nice calm way to spend a Sunday afternoon, which was followed by lazing on the quad in the sunlight and a dinner at Swen with Natalie, Will Cotton, Gia, and partially Michael Vine. He didn't actually eat because he was too busy watching Bubba in the Masters on his and Gia's phones.
Work has been just plain silly this week. One woman came in with a fake bun on her head that fell off and rolled across the ground. I misread a link in an email, which led to a volunteer looking at a bondage porn site in our office. One of the interns from Shelton State, who is rather old, called our Executive Director "Dimples." We quite literally burned through all of our Client Assistance Cards with in a matter of days. It's just been crazy in many ways. Dave Murray and I went on our first official DAT call to a mobile home fire in Northport. I'm glad that Mike and Robin have put so much work into getting the teams started back up. Our hope is that it'll transition into being completely volunteer led by the time we leave. I'll include the things that James has done here instead of at the end. After months of talking about people shaking their legs in reference to dancing, James finally shook his leg. It was brief, so only a few people got to enjoy it. Now he refuses to acknowledge the event. He also told us he saw Clara Barton, our founder and resident ghost, wearing hot pants.
I think now I can move on to the main event: my audition for The Real World. I just happened to catch a tweet by The Tuscaloosa News about the open call being set up for the next day at Mellow Mushroom from 11 until 6. I watched the show religiously from Hawaii through San Diego (the first time) or so. I started watching season 8, and I just auditioned for 28. After a busy morning and early afternoon at work, I took off early to go wait in line because I had no idea how many people might possibly show up. I ended up being 109, and I think only about 200 people showed up in the end. While I filled out my application, I ended up having a great conversation with a girl who works at Plato's Closet. I know her name started with a J... I cannot remember the name of one person I met that day, which is out of character. Anyway, I was glad to have someone to talk to since I waited an hour and half outside. The application had some interesting questions on it. The first question is asked before anything else was "Have you ever acted outside of school?" There goes the naive belief in "reality" television not that I still held to that. There was not a lot of variety in the people there. It was mostly stereotypical Alabama students with good old Southern boys and sorority girls. It seems hypocritical to talk about people's motives for being there, but it seemed as though everyone was just interested in the television aspect of it. While that is exciting, I don't think it's the main reason you should want to do the show. I would enjoy being on the show because I think I have a different combination of view points than what I have previously seen. I like the psychology of the whole thing, which is what the show was once more centrally focused on. In recent viewings, it seems as though the crazy hook ups and drinking portions of the drama are more followed, but to be fair I haven't watched it all too much.
After my hour and a halfish of waiting, I went inside the upstairs room of Mellow Mushroom with seven other people. We waited and made small talk at the on deck table before the casting director called for the next eight people to join her. I knew it was important to make a good first impression, so I got up immediately and walked over to her. She wasn't shaking hands to avoid getting sick, but I was able to snag a seat right next to her. Then all 8 people played two truths and a lie as our interview after we had handed in our applications. The other people in my group were not super interesting in their choice of truths and lies. One guy completely blanked on being able to say anything while other people made their lies so crazy that the truth made them appear lame i.e. the girl who said she lost her virginity on a plane but really lost it at her parents' house. Luckily I was able to think quickly because I knew it needed to be things that would reveal enough about me that the casting director would want to hear more. My truths were about being a virgin, because they always want to know about sex, and about my interview for my Red Cross job being the day before the tornado. I figured if they came especially to Tuscaloosa that they might want a tornado story. Then my lie was that I had lived in Tuscaloosa my whole life so that I could mention having lived in Costa Rica for three months. Everyone at the table called out the virgin one for being a lie, which I guess is a compliment? Anyway, the casting director asked me about whether or not it was for religious reasons, so I got to quickly discuss the progression of my faith from blind following into a belief system I developed on my own. She also really liked my picture which I have to give credit to Teddy Bear and Rae for making happen. They're calling people within 48 hours. I'm not expecting anything, but I don't think it could have gone much better. Who knows what she's looking for? She might have been told to find one specific archetype or maybe a couple or it could have been completely open to just finding interesting people. We'll see. It was just fun to do, and now I will always be able to say I tried out.
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