Before Saturday, work was a blur of taking and teaching classes. Holly was out of the office all week, which made some things difficult. It was mostly just a stressful week of attempting (an failing) to buy a ticket to the game. I suppose now that it's a good thing I didn't get one. I would have been much more upset to watch it in person.
Tuesday, Natalie, Jake, Thaddeus, and I had an excellent dinner at Ichiban by the Bama Bowl on 15th Street. It was really good food, but the service was not the best. The conversation helped alleviate the long wait between Thaddeus and Natalie's sushi being delivered and Jake's and my bento boxes arriving. Thadd didn't bring his wallet in, so Natalie had to pay for him, which brought a nice irony to the evening since most of our conversation had been about moochers.
Wednesday, after I snuck out of CERT training, I went to the Donner Party's last ride. We had to deliver an impressive performance to get back into the top five teams. Unfortunately, we got into the swing of things a little too late and ended up missing the cut off by 4 points. We're picking a new name for next time, but I have loved these months with the Donner Party.
Sarah Voluntary Service Langcuster and I had a great week of television watching Glee, A List Dallas, 1 Girl 5 Gays, Ringer, and RHOBH. We love a good catch phrase, and our current one is Chase saying "I have taken a lover, and his name is Levi." I am so glad to have someone with which to watch trashy television. I'll miss her greatly next semester. I wish I was cool enough to be able to photoshop a picture of her and Chase together.
Friday night was the return of the BPPFL. This was after staying at the office until 6 helping Holli with the very frustrating proccess of filling out a quartetly report. We probably enjoyed ourselves too much for how annoying the situation was. After finally getting it worked out, I went to Los Calientes aka Los Shoneys with Amanda and her friend Shannon. Tuscaloosa was PACKED this weekend. We weren't even allowed to go into Waffle House because there were so many people.
The game was a big enough deal that so many Alpha Psi Omega almuni came into town. I went to see them all Friday night, but the largest group of random people were at the Pink House resulting in all of the older people leaving. This left me with a bunch of the freshmen but in particular my beer pong partner for life, Kaitlin O'Bradavich. We have played eight games together and are still undefeated. I can only hope we can continue our hegemony. Here we are with out substitute player, Motell. This is also my Doctor Who Halloween costume.
Saturday was beautiful. Kaitlin, Lexi, Ameen, and I got free Moe's burritos and more importantly sweet tea. There was also some great Jambalaya at the APO tailgate. Since I never founda a ticket, I watched the first half of the game at The Houndstooth and the latter half at a graduate student's apartment with the APO alumni in town. Even though we lost, it was great to spend time with old friends.
That night Natalie got me to yet again take her to get late night food with three others. We went to IHOP this time, and it was a pretty big let down after our last late night eating experience. The lack of hot chocolate would be the main factor in this.
After a day of rest and CERT training on Sunday, I taught class at the Birmingham office downtown Monday morning. The class went well, but I was sad to discover that their office had been broken into over the weekend. They had a flat screen television in the lobby for people to watch while they waited. guess it wasn't the best idea to have almost floor to ceiling windows through which anyone could see this TV.
When I got back to Tuscaloosa, Holli, Cody, and I helped Sarah and some other commuinity service volunteers move everything out of our mall store and set it up in a new store two doors down. We also took a quick break for lunch at Los Shoneys. Cody is our new VISTA that started Monday, but he's been around for a few weeks.
Last night I taught client casework in our new mall space, which is really nice. It was a pain that we had to move everything yesterday, but if we can stay there it'll be a great asset for teaching. I had two great volunteers in my class, and they put up with me speaking to quickly at least to quickly for a Southerner, as one of them pointed out.
Once class was done, I drove over to Sarah's for our daily dose of television and ordered what I thought would be a simple dinner from Hungry Howie's. It wasn't simple. Not only did he bring the wrong drink, he didn't have change! I had to give him close to a $5 tip. Before I even took a bite of my dinner, I went online and filed a complaint. My fingers are crossed for some store credit.
Now I am just letting Tuesday slowly drag on before going home for television with two of my favorite Sarahs and hopefully an early night's sleep. Tomorrow monring I'm teaching Disaster Services an Overview for the financial department at the Hoover office! I'm so excited to get to hang out with Lee and everyone.
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