Thanks, Billy Joel, for this week's title. As it suggests, I'm movin' out. All of my things have been officially moved out of my apartment on Watermelon Road with the craziest roommate of all time. I will soon draft an email to his step-mother detailing all of the food he ate so that my utility bill for this month doesn't have to be paid or is reduced.
Before we get to that joyous occasion, though, we have to explain the happenings of the weekend that involved driving to and from Hoover three times. Friday night Mallory Porter was visiting Hoover after taking a few days off from her jobs at Disney World and Bush Gardens. She, Natalie, Sarah Carlson and I went to La Fiesta, which was one of our usual hangouts in high school. We followed our Mexican food with some cookies from Great American Cookie Company from the Galleria. If only our parents had driven us there, it would have been very 9th grade.
I had to come back to Tuscaloosa to co-teach an ERV class, which trains people to drive the Emergency Response Vehicle, and by "co-teach" I meant sitting in the back where the air conditioning doesn't efficiently cool the stainless steel that covers the floor and parts of the walls. I was literally getting cooked. At least it was in good company, and any day with Taco Casa for lunch can't go badly unless you aren't a Tuscaloosa native with a strong enough stomach to handle their food.
My plan Saturday night was to go home and see my friend Sarah Rogers for drinks downtown while she was home on a quick visit from LA. What actually happened was a twenty-eight unit apartment fire in Tuscaloosa. While the drive back was inconvenient and we were there until almost twelve, this was the night I felt the most useful. I never would have thought a year ago that I would be in charge of casework for a multifamily fire with zero notice. While Holli was responding to the scene to get more information, I called volunteers, got the ERV loaded and ready to drive with the help of Cody, made enough casework folders for twenty families, and set our office up to do multiple casework sessions at once.
I'm glad that this is something I can continue to do once my job ends because my skill set is perfect for supervisory roles in disaster response. We were able to help six of the families that night and eight more over the past week. That has made portions of the week a little hectic, but it gave me faith in West Alabama being able to respond to smaller level disasters. The volunteers did all of the actual work like driving the ERV and client interviews.
The other big event this week after the fire was my moving out from my terrible living situation. I may miss the vibrators, dearth of communication, stolen food, small bugs, and abundant drugs, but I think it's better off this way. I moved into a house that has been owned by theatre people for the past two year. I am very happy to announce my acceptance into The Kingdom. Some people like to name their homes or apartments to make them cooler. People assumed I had done this last year when I invited them to come to Wesley Foundation when in fact the building I lived in was the Wesley Foundation.
Since moving in, I've spent so much more time with people eating at Waffle House, watching movies, cooking out, doing dismally at trivia, and getting far too inebriated. I think this will be the perfect fit for my last month in Tuscaloosa for a long while, hopefully ever as a resident. I am beyond ready to be in the District of Colombia. Michelle is on her way there right now, and Jenae is already there. I just skyped with my friend Krishna who lives there. I need to get there soon and start leading tours, but I will enjoy the time I have left in Alabama.
Lastly, I had the read thru for Second Samuel, which I am doing with Park Players in August. I think this show could be exceptionally enjoyable, but it could also border on stereotypical and cheesy. I'll try to avoid the latter. My character is the narrator in the setting of a small 1940s Georgia. He has a learning disability, which will be a challenge to undertake. I am looking forward to this and hopefully to bringing a sense of realism to a character that can be all about typical behaviors. If you're in Birmingham, come see it in August!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
The Ghost Pepper Initiative
The Ghost Pepper Initiative is a plan Michelle, Amber, and I have concocted to get my soon to be former roommate back for the amount of my food he has eaten. Now that I am officially moving out Tuesday I would feel fine leaving laxative a ghost pepper laced lasagna in the refrigerator for him.
I was lucky enough to have my apartment alone for most of last week, so I got to buy my groceries and actually eat them! He got back on Tuesday, though, and since then no frozen burrito or home cooked pasta dish has been safe.
Last weekend began with cookie making, ribbon cutting, and wedding movie watching with Michelle.I'm getting too close to the age of the characters in these movies. I guess I can just hope that I'll break up a friend's engagement while we're spending summer weekends in the Hamptons...
Not likely, so in the meantime I've been focusing, probably too much, on work. Some friends are trickling back into town, so I'm hoping that will result in offsetting the large amount of work I'm doing at times. The weekend was nice and relaxing. After two months apart, Taylor and I finally saw each other in person at On Tap by the Galleria. I pretended to like some different beers while also enjoy some Irish Nachos. These were french fries with white cheese dip on them. How that's Irish I'll never know.
That night Rachel Folsom and I had a reuniting/ good-bye dinner at Waffle House. She's going to graduate school for counseling at the University of North Texas in Denton, and for some reason she moved on Monday! Thus squeezing in a last minute hang out was imperative. Our parents live only a few blocks from each other, so we often ride together to the Waffle House down the street and sit in the same booth.We chatted long after our food was gone about a range of things, the most important being how odd it is to be doing such adult things. Now I just need to do some of those things. It still kind of feels like I'm doing a victory lap of college. It's time to say, "Good-bye," to Alabama.
Then work this week has been all kinds of crazy. I was supposed to teach Monday night, but there was a fire and hour before class, so Cody had to teach and I responded to the fire with Elise. Then Tuesday there was a call for a fire in York as I was on my way out the door. I drove the hour down there, did the case work, came back, put it in the computer, and went home to discover my roommate was there and had eaten three of my frozen burritos in less than 12 hours. I quickly left my apartment to regain some sanity while watching Glee with Corey Rives. It was two hours of mediocrity with some brilliance sprinkled in.
Wednesday, I spent the day teaching in Sulligent followed by a quick lunch with Nanny in Yampertown, which was accompanied with the trying on of clothes and receiving of hand me downs that I will most likely never wear. I just indulge her. I got back in time just for things at the office to get crazy, so trivia was a much needed release that night. Cody and I did really well! IF ONLY HE HAD LOOKED THE HINT UP CORRECTLY This is the last time I'll mention it or I might damage our friendship. I'm just glad he didn't wait outside Wings U all night thinking it was Buffalo Wild Wings.
Thursday was thankfully quiet and ended with an upsetting trivia performance. It was Michelle's last one! I can't believe it. She's moving to my dream city in a few weeks, and I couldn't be happier for her. I just need to get my butt up there too as quickly as I can.
Today, James and I went on an adventure to take a picture of a generator at the old building. No one told me it was the one outside they wanted a picture of, so we looked in every pod, conex box, and in the moldy chapter itself for the small generators. I made him pose with them for the pictures. I will be very sad to leave him here when I go. If I ever need to be kept in check with some incoherent insults, I'll give him a call. He'll tell me I look like a voice lesson or make fun of my friends, my love of chicken, and my short pants.
I was lucky enough to have my apartment alone for most of last week, so I got to buy my groceries and actually eat them! He got back on Tuesday, though, and since then no frozen burrito or home cooked pasta dish has been safe.
Last weekend began with cookie making, ribbon cutting, and wedding movie watching with Michelle.I'm getting too close to the age of the characters in these movies. I guess I can just hope that I'll break up a friend's engagement while we're spending summer weekends in the Hamptons...
Not likely, so in the meantime I've been focusing, probably too much, on work. Some friends are trickling back into town, so I'm hoping that will result in offsetting the large amount of work I'm doing at times. The weekend was nice and relaxing. After two months apart, Taylor and I finally saw each other in person at On Tap by the Galleria. I pretended to like some different beers while also enjoy some Irish Nachos. These were french fries with white cheese dip on them. How that's Irish I'll never know.
That night Rachel Folsom and I had a reuniting/ good-bye dinner at Waffle House. She's going to graduate school for counseling at the University of North Texas in Denton, and for some reason she moved on Monday! Thus squeezing in a last minute hang out was imperative. Our parents live only a few blocks from each other, so we often ride together to the Waffle House down the street and sit in the same booth.We chatted long after our food was gone about a range of things, the most important being how odd it is to be doing such adult things. Now I just need to do some of those things. It still kind of feels like I'm doing a victory lap of college. It's time to say, "Good-bye," to Alabama.
Then work this week has been all kinds of crazy. I was supposed to teach Monday night, but there was a fire and hour before class, so Cody had to teach and I responded to the fire with Elise. Then Tuesday there was a call for a fire in York as I was on my way out the door. I drove the hour down there, did the case work, came back, put it in the computer, and went home to discover my roommate was there and had eaten three of my frozen burritos in less than 12 hours. I quickly left my apartment to regain some sanity while watching Glee with Corey Rives. It was two hours of mediocrity with some brilliance sprinkled in.
Wednesday, I spent the day teaching in Sulligent followed by a quick lunch with Nanny in Yampertown, which was accompanied with the trying on of clothes and receiving of hand me downs that I will most likely never wear. I just indulge her. I got back in time just for things at the office to get crazy, so trivia was a much needed release that night. Cody and I did really well! IF ONLY HE HAD LOOKED THE HINT UP CORRECTLY This is the last time I'll mention it or I might damage our friendship. I'm just glad he didn't wait outside Wings U all night thinking it was Buffalo Wild Wings.
Thursday was thankfully quiet and ended with an upsetting trivia performance. It was Michelle's last one! I can't believe it. She's moving to my dream city in a few weeks, and I couldn't be happier for her. I just need to get my butt up there too as quickly as I can.
Today, James and I went on an adventure to take a picture of a generator at the old building. No one told me it was the one outside they wanted a picture of, so we looked in every pod, conex box, and in the moldy chapter itself for the small generators. I made him pose with them for the pictures. I will be very sad to leave him here when I go. If I ever need to be kept in check with some incoherent insults, I'll give him a call. He'll tell me I look like a voice lesson or make fun of my friends, my love of chicken, and my short pants.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Mike Check
This week we have been officially Mike-less, and it shows. Two days now I have been the only person in the office for Disaster Services, and I have done the casework for five fire cases this week alone. WHY?!?!?!? While I have enjoyed my time here, it is really starting to wear me down because I work a lot and sleep a little. Both are my fault, obviously. I think this feeling is similar to when you have all this energy and stress during the last week of classes and then as soon as it's over you just fall apart. As soon as I finished with Brazos Abiertos two weeks ago, I have just felt so unmotivated because I don't have anything large I'm working toward. I'm just trying to get volunteers trained to perform my different functions, which has proved less than easy with the abounding amounts of apathy in the world.
Well, now I'll stop complaining because who wants to read that? This week has been filled with good-byes. It's odd because I haven't been preparing for not seeing people again. It just hadn't crossed my mind until a few weeks ago. I'm so glad people will be here for portions of the summer. This will hopefully help balance out the amount of work...
Another thing that might help is that I have finally decided to move out of my apartment and live somewhere else for my last month of VISTA. I'm surprised I didn't break before now, but I tend to be able to put up with more than I should. It wasn't the drug use, the vibrator in my bed, or the stealing food from my closet that pushed me over the edge. No, it was him eating my leftover lasagna from Tut's. I am just a surprised as you that it is something so small. Finding it missing when I went to eat dinner really pissed me off, and he wasn't even home for me to get angry! He's out of town somewhere for who knows how long. So what do I do with my storming anger? I go to the grocery store. Logically. While soothing my anger with the purchasing of food, I made the realization that I have plenty of friends who have gone home and have leases that don't end until August. Thus, I took advantage of one of those and will hopefully be moving into Michelle's room for the month of June. Now I can live closer to work, eat the groceries I buy, and live with friends. It sounds like a good way to spend my last weeks in Tuscaloosa.
Karissa came into town Friday for a quick but immensely fun visit. We went to Midnight Sushi at Surin with a lot of APO people and then went to Icon for the drag show and ended up dancing by ourselves until 3 in the morning. I love how Karissa can make me just have care free fun. The bartender gave us two or three free shots (we can't remember how many...) that were purple in color and excellent in taste. Then we had lunch at Wings the next morning before going to the tornado play. Karissa has forgiven me for making her watch the first act, luckily.
Saturday was the last performance of the tornado play. I'm glad I was given the opportunity to be a apart of an event that, but I am even more ecstatic that I never have to sing "Our Bama Song" again. The last day the band couldn't be there, so we had to sing along to a CD with vocal tracks on it. I cried I was laughing so hard. I felt SO bad, but I couldn't control myself. It didn't help that Jessica was laughing next to me and Natalie, Chris, and Ben were all in my sight line. If anyone had a serious face, I lost it.
Our going away party for Mike was that night. It was also for me, but that was not as important since I am still here. I was happy to see Oscar and Ro again along with everyone from the office. Cody had gotten engraved gifts for us, so now I have a globe to take with me on my travels from my friends at Red Cross. The highlight of the night for most people was at my expense. James and I decided to play a game of pool, and he beat me! No one was watching the first half of the game when I was winning. They just all showed up for the end and made fun of me using the small stick when I had to make shots to close to the wall. James swears he never plays pool, but I know better.
I don't know how to transition to this, but I love Tuscaloosa summers. Michelle and I were discussing this at trivia the other night. Somehow drama gets eliminated over the summer, and it's just easy living. You hang out with a small group of friends to whom you become really close. I'm glad that's how my time in Tuscaloosa will end.
Wednesday, Jake, Michelle, and I went to City Cafe because Jake had never been. It's a good meat and three, and it was the last time I saw Jake before her left! It doesn't feel like it'll be a while before I see these people again, but it could be months or years! Too surreal.
At trivia, Michelle and I were "Let Them Eat Cake" in reference to that stupid celebration people had in North Carolina after Amendment 1 passed. People are entitled to their view, but having a party with wedding cake to celebrate denying human rights to other Americans? It lacks tact, in my opinion. Anyway, Michelle and I were able to come from being in 18th place after the first half to finishing in 4th place overall. We even got the final question right! It was a proud moment in trivia history. If we had gotten one more question right, we could have been in third. Michelle is such an easy person to hang out with. I am so glad we'll be in DC together by 2013! Unless the Mayans have something to say about it...
I'll end with just brief statement of happiness in reference to Barack Obama. I know that his statement could have and should have been said much sooner than it was. I also realize he took a political risk in bringing the issue of gay marriage to the forefront of the election at this point. I am so grateful for him as a president. I listened to his interview on NPR the other morning and had tears in my eyes listening to his reasoning and why his personal view had evolved. I don't think this means at all that there will be a definite decision on this issue in the near future, but I do think that if re-elected he will continue to fight for the rights of all people regardless of gender and sexuality. This link: shows a comparison of rights for people of different sexuality and gender identity in every state, and looking at The South upsets me so much. Well, that's my political soapbox, I suppose. Here's a picture about how I feel about Barack Obama.

Well, now I'll stop complaining because who wants to read that? This week has been filled with good-byes. It's odd because I haven't been preparing for not seeing people again. It just hadn't crossed my mind until a few weeks ago. I'm so glad people will be here for portions of the summer. This will hopefully help balance out the amount of work...
Another thing that might help is that I have finally decided to move out of my apartment and live somewhere else for my last month of VISTA. I'm surprised I didn't break before now, but I tend to be able to put up with more than I should. It wasn't the drug use, the vibrator in my bed, or the stealing food from my closet that pushed me over the edge. No, it was him eating my leftover lasagna from Tut's. I am just a surprised as you that it is something so small. Finding it missing when I went to eat dinner really pissed me off, and he wasn't even home for me to get angry! He's out of town somewhere for who knows how long. So what do I do with my storming anger? I go to the grocery store. Logically. While soothing my anger with the purchasing of food, I made the realization that I have plenty of friends who have gone home and have leases that don't end until August. Thus, I took advantage of one of those and will hopefully be moving into Michelle's room for the month of June. Now I can live closer to work, eat the groceries I buy, and live with friends. It sounds like a good way to spend my last weeks in Tuscaloosa.
Karissa came into town Friday for a quick but immensely fun visit. We went to Midnight Sushi at Surin with a lot of APO people and then went to Icon for the drag show and ended up dancing by ourselves until 3 in the morning. I love how Karissa can make me just have care free fun. The bartender gave us two or three free shots (we can't remember how many...) that were purple in color and excellent in taste. Then we had lunch at Wings the next morning before going to the tornado play. Karissa has forgiven me for making her watch the first act, luckily.
Saturday was the last performance of the tornado play. I'm glad I was given the opportunity to be a apart of an event that, but I am even more ecstatic that I never have to sing "Our Bama Song" again. The last day the band couldn't be there, so we had to sing along to a CD with vocal tracks on it. I cried I was laughing so hard. I felt SO bad, but I couldn't control myself. It didn't help that Jessica was laughing next to me and Natalie, Chris, and Ben were all in my sight line. If anyone had a serious face, I lost it.
Our going away party for Mike was that night. It was also for me, but that was not as important since I am still here. I was happy to see Oscar and Ro again along with everyone from the office. Cody had gotten engraved gifts for us, so now I have a globe to take with me on my travels from my friends at Red Cross. The highlight of the night for most people was at my expense. James and I decided to play a game of pool, and he beat me! No one was watching the first half of the game when I was winning. They just all showed up for the end and made fun of me using the small stick when I had to make shots to close to the wall. James swears he never plays pool, but I know better.
I don't know how to transition to this, but I love Tuscaloosa summers. Michelle and I were discussing this at trivia the other night. Somehow drama gets eliminated over the summer, and it's just easy living. You hang out with a small group of friends to whom you become really close. I'm glad that's how my time in Tuscaloosa will end.
Wednesday, Jake, Michelle, and I went to City Cafe because Jake had never been. It's a good meat and three, and it was the last time I saw Jake before her left! It doesn't feel like it'll be a while before I see these people again, but it could be months or years! Too surreal.
At trivia, Michelle and I were "Let Them Eat Cake" in reference to that stupid celebration people had in North Carolina after Amendment 1 passed. People are entitled to their view, but having a party with wedding cake to celebrate denying human rights to other Americans? It lacks tact, in my opinion. Anyway, Michelle and I were able to come from being in 18th place after the first half to finishing in 4th place overall. We even got the final question right! It was a proud moment in trivia history. If we had gotten one more question right, we could have been in third. Michelle is such an easy person to hang out with. I am so glad we'll be in DC together by 2013! Unless the Mayans have something to say about it...
I'll end with just brief statement of happiness in reference to Barack Obama. I know that his statement could have and should have been said much sooner than it was. I also realize he took a political risk in bringing the issue of gay marriage to the forefront of the election at this point. I am so grateful for him as a president. I listened to his interview on NPR the other morning and had tears in my eyes listening to his reasoning and why his personal view had evolved. I don't think this means at all that there will be a definite decision on this issue in the near future, but I do think that if re-elected he will continue to fight for the rights of all people regardless of gender and sexuality. This link: shows a comparison of rights for people of different sexuality and gender identity in every state, and looking at The South upsets me so much. Well, that's my political soapbox, I suppose. Here's a picture about how I feel about Barack Obama.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Your System Can Handle Any Member
This was legitimately said in a conference call Cody and I were on yesterday about the new volunteer database.
Other than accidental sexual jokes, the office has been pretty quiet. Today is Mike's last day, which is beyond crazy. We all knew it was coming, but it got here way too quickly. I was supposed to leave first. I was always ready to leave first. That was just a Steel Magnolias reference. I just threw a fit when he tried to leave an hour early, so we're playing facebook games while the clock ticks down. Family Feud is a VISTA tradition.
Along with Mike's departure, we also found out that Bev has decided to retire at the end of this month and marry his girlfriend. This means that in my time at Red Cross only one employee will remain when I leave that was here when I got here. I really don't blame Bev for leaving. I love Red Cross and what we do, but the inner politics between the regional and the chapter office are just ridiculous. Can we really not just work things out and work well together? Maybe someone new will be exactly what we need. It is just really tiresome to try and do work on the grassroots level without cooperation between all of the levels of organization.
Last weekend was Senior Guerrilla weekend, which was really odd to be a part of. This time last year was supposed to be my fun week of going to Alphies and roasts, but I didn't get it. It made me think a lot about my fellow seniors who are mostly gone and spread out across the world. I've already mentioned that too many times, so I'll leave at that. I miss you seniors! I'm so proud of what everyone is doing with their lives.
Sunday was Brazos Abiertos! I know you'll be so excited that I will never mention this health fair again unless I want to brag on myself. The event was a big success, I think. We had almost 300 participants, 25 vendors, and 60 volunteers. The largest of burdens has been lifted off of my shoulders. I was walking around the fair the entire day trying to move everything along. I collapsed at my parents' house when it was over. When this job started, I never thought I would be planning an event for that many people and have them show up and have enough food for them and everything. I am so proud I was able to do something for the Latin American community like that. Yes, it's cool that I took such a leadership role, but I care more that this event happened for the eighth year in a row and provided a marginalized group with information about resources available to them in one of the most unfriendly states in the country regardless of immigration status.
Since Sunday the rest of this week has been mostly filled with two things. 1. Teddy Bear 2. Inside the Tornado.
Teddy Bear is ridiculous. He has a poodle hair cut now, which fills me with sadness. I am so glad so many people have babysat him. I always get him when I am so busy. He has been better about going to the bathroom. He did poop in my apartment once when I was doing laundry, so my roommate woke me up at three in the morning to pick it. I'm really bitter about this because I love sleep too much for a 28-year-old to not be able to pick up two pieces of poop on his own. Yet again, Teddy Bear has taught me that I cannot handle a needy pet all the time. I think I'll be stuck with cat and fish for the rest of my life ( a little irony there) until someone else comes along to share dog duty.
The tornado play has been quite the experience. The rehearsal process has been terrible just because of how much time it ate up for only doing one scene. I am very glad I did it, though. It's a beautiful reflection of what has happened and is happening. Are all of the scenes great? No, but it is an impressive effort that ten pieces written by ten different people have been put together in a cohesive collection to present audiences. I've also gotten to meet some great people doing the show even though it's kind of late in my time in Tuscaloosa to make new friends. Why couldn't this have happened months ago????
Today Karissa is coming for the play and to go to the drag show and out on the town! I'm excited for Mike's going away party tomorrow and for starting Second Samuel with Park Players in a few weeks. It'll be a fun show and a challenge to play a character with a learning disability. It's a short post this week, but I was running out of time! I couldn't let a week go by without posting. I have tens of fans to answer to!
Other than accidental sexual jokes, the office has been pretty quiet. Today is Mike's last day, which is beyond crazy. We all knew it was coming, but it got here way too quickly. I was supposed to leave first. I was always ready to leave first. That was just a Steel Magnolias reference. I just threw a fit when he tried to leave an hour early, so we're playing facebook games while the clock ticks down. Family Feud is a VISTA tradition.
Along with Mike's departure, we also found out that Bev has decided to retire at the end of this month and marry his girlfriend. This means that in my time at Red Cross only one employee will remain when I leave that was here when I got here. I really don't blame Bev for leaving. I love Red Cross and what we do, but the inner politics between the regional and the chapter office are just ridiculous. Can we really not just work things out and work well together? Maybe someone new will be exactly what we need. It is just really tiresome to try and do work on the grassroots level without cooperation between all of the levels of organization.
Last weekend was Senior Guerrilla weekend, which was really odd to be a part of. This time last year was supposed to be my fun week of going to Alphies and roasts, but I didn't get it. It made me think a lot about my fellow seniors who are mostly gone and spread out across the world. I've already mentioned that too many times, so I'll leave at that. I miss you seniors! I'm so proud of what everyone is doing with their lives.
Sunday was Brazos Abiertos! I know you'll be so excited that I will never mention this health fair again unless I want to brag on myself. The event was a big success, I think. We had almost 300 participants, 25 vendors, and 60 volunteers. The largest of burdens has been lifted off of my shoulders. I was walking around the fair the entire day trying to move everything along. I collapsed at my parents' house when it was over. When this job started, I never thought I would be planning an event for that many people and have them show up and have enough food for them and everything. I am so proud I was able to do something for the Latin American community like that. Yes, it's cool that I took such a leadership role, but I care more that this event happened for the eighth year in a row and provided a marginalized group with information about resources available to them in one of the most unfriendly states in the country regardless of immigration status.
Since Sunday the rest of this week has been mostly filled with two things. 1. Teddy Bear 2. Inside the Tornado.
Teddy Bear is ridiculous. He has a poodle hair cut now, which fills me with sadness. I am so glad so many people have babysat him. I always get him when I am so busy. He has been better about going to the bathroom. He did poop in my apartment once when I was doing laundry, so my roommate woke me up at three in the morning to pick it. I'm really bitter about this because I love sleep too much for a 28-year-old to not be able to pick up two pieces of poop on his own. Yet again, Teddy Bear has taught me that I cannot handle a needy pet all the time. I think I'll be stuck with cat and fish for the rest of my life ( a little irony there) until someone else comes along to share dog duty.
The tornado play has been quite the experience. The rehearsal process has been terrible just because of how much time it ate up for only doing one scene. I am very glad I did it, though. It's a beautiful reflection of what has happened and is happening. Are all of the scenes great? No, but it is an impressive effort that ten pieces written by ten different people have been put together in a cohesive collection to present audiences. I've also gotten to meet some great people doing the show even though it's kind of late in my time in Tuscaloosa to make new friends. Why couldn't this have happened months ago????
Today Karissa is coming for the play and to go to the drag show and out on the town! I'm excited for Mike's going away party tomorrow and for starting Second Samuel with Park Players in a few weeks. It'll be a fun show and a challenge to play a character with a learning disability. It's a short post this week, but I was running out of time! I couldn't let a week go by without posting. I have tens of fans to answer to!
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